In the last 5 years until the end of 2015, risk financing has grown by 200%, allowing US $ 11.7 billion to flow into health technology businesses from more than 30,000 investors in the space. Over-reliance on the use of technology at every step of the treatment process can generate serious financial burdens for families and individuals.
There has been an unprecedented increase in the use of automated clinical laboratories and CT scans without any evidence that they are necessary and beneficial for individuals and families.
Phones that can track your whereabouts, steps and more can serve as medical devices, and medical devices have the same effect as these phones. In the research article, Attitudes of privacy among the first users of emerging health technologies, Cynthia Cheung, Matthew Bietz, Kevin Patrick and Cinnamon Bloss discovered that people were willing to share personal data for scientific advances, although they still expressed uncertainty about who I would have access to your data. People are naturally cautious when giving confidential personal information.